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  3. Joule 3.0
  4. Running Jobs
  5. Partitions


Partitions can be thought of as job queues with each containing a group of similar hardware and assortments of constraints such as job limits. Jobs are submitted to partitions and start running when the resources in the partition are available. The following partitions are available on Joule 3.0:


This is the default partition. CPU-based programs should be submitted here. 


The bigmem partition is to be used for codes which require more than 3 GB of memory per process for CPU-based programs. However, users can submit to the bigmem partition regardless of memory requirement if the other partitions are fully allocated.


The gpu partition is to be used for GPU-accelerated code or code development. Visualization programs and CPU-based programs are not appropriate for this partition.


Intended for data post-processing and visualization.

Joule 3.0 Partition Overview

PartitionTotal CoresDefault QOSDefault Time LimitMemory
general51,968normal48 Hours384GB
bigmem51,968normal48 Hours768GB
gpu1,152gpu48 Hours1.5TB
post384post8 Hours125 GB

Users can specify their desired partition at submission time. Listed below is an example for the bigmem partition.

For sbatch, the line in your submit script would look like: 

#SBATCH --partition=bigmem

Interactive jobs using salloc would look like:

login:~> salloc -N 1 -p bigmem
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