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Ansys Workbench

Ansys Workbench is a suite of advanced engineering simulation technologies available on the HPCEE system.  There are a limited number of licenses available to the entire user group, you can view the license availability and status using


command from any login node.

There are multiple ways to launch Ansys Workbench, you can launch this on your login node, using an interactive session on through a submission script.

Workbench on an Login Node

You should only launch Workbench on the login node if you intend to perform actions that are not computationally intensive.  This is not the place for long duration or computationally intensive Workbench jobs.  To launch Workbench load the Workbench module

module load workbench/19.2

Then simply launch Workbench with the commmand


Workbench in an Interactive Session

You can launch Workbench in an interactive session on a GPU node for long duration or computationally intensive jobs.  First, request a GPU node from the queue.

salloc -N 1 -p gpu

This will log you into one of the interactive nodes.  Now you need to export your display to tell Workbench where to display its window.  Your display will be listed in the title bar of the TurboVNC graphical interface, an example would be login06:10, the 10th display on the login06 system, export your DISPLAY using the following command from your login node

export DISPLAY="loginX:YY"

Now load the workbench module

module load workbench/19.2

and launch Workbench


Workbench on a GPU Node

You can launch Workbench on an GPU node for long duration, GPU or computationally intensive jobs.  There is a sample submit script in the /nfs/apps/Submission directory in your home directory called run_workbench.  This script can be modified and used to launch Workbench through the queue.  Select the queue you wish to run in, the default is gpu but you can also use post, then select the version of workbench you wish to use, currently the default is 19.2.

#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --qos=normal

##Load Modules
#module purge
#module load workbench/19.2 vgl

Now you need to export your display to tell Workbench where to display its window. Your display will be listed in the title bar of the TurboVNC graphical interface, an example would be login06:10, the 10th display on the login06 system, export your DISPLAY using the following command from your login node.

export DISPLAY="loginX:YY"

Save any changes to the run_workbench submission script then submit it to the queue.

login:~> sbatch run_workbench

You can use the qstat command to view the status of your job.