Fluid Dynamics

ORD’s Computational Science and Engineering competency consists of conducting applied scientific research and developing physics-based simulation models, methods, and tools to support the development and deployment of novel process and equipment designs. Research includes advanced computations to generate information beyond the reach of experiments alone by integrating experimental and computational sciences across different length and time scales.

    Multiphase Flow

    • Investigating and simulating multiphase flow physics critical to the understanding of advanced energy and environmental systems.

    Multi-scale Simulation & Optimization.

    • Developing and applying advanced multi-scale steady-state and dynamic models, process synthesis and integration methodologies, a breadth of optimization techniques, and advanced process control.
    • Applying multi-scale models and simulation techniques to identify promising new technologies, synthesize and optimize processes, and support decision making to accelerate the development of energy technologies.

    Simulation, Data Analysis & Visualization

    • Performing mathematical modeling, data analysis, and visualization. Applying analysis and visualization tools to gain scientific insight into complex, noisy, high-dimensional, and high-volume data sets from experiments and simulations conducted in support of energy technology development.
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