Multiphase Flow with Interphase Exchanges (MFiX) is a general-purpose computer code developed at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for describing the hydrodynamics, heat transfer and chemical reactions in fluid-solids systems. It has been used for describing bubbling and circulating fluidized beds and spouted beds. MFiX calculations give transient data on the three-dimensional distribution of pressure, velocity, temperature, and species mass fractions. MFiX code is based on a generally accepted set of multiphase flow equations. The code is used as a “test-stand” for testing and developing multiphase flow constitutive equations.
Species H2O (Steam) between t=5 to 12 seconds
- Mass, momentum, energy and species balance equations for gas and multiple solids phases
- Granular stress equations based on kinetic theory and frictional flow theory
- Three-dimensional Cartesian or cylindrical coordinate systems with nonuniform mesh size
- Impermeable and semi-permeable internal surfaces
- Set up the simulation with an input data file
- Define chemical reactions and kinetics with the input data file or with a user-defined subroutine
- Error checking of user input
- Multiple, single-precision, binary, direct-access output files that reduces disk space and increases data retrieval speed
- Post-processing codes for the animation and retrieval of output data
- Fortran 90 code base with allocatable arrays
- Generate serial, shared-memory parallel (SMP) or distributed-memory parallel (DMP) executables from the same code base